So, what are the alternatives:
But how to install? Well, it needs to be compiled and then installed. Found the process here on an Apple Forum 3rd one down. He states:
After this you can install PureFTPd Manager which should provide you with a GUI, although it states it works for OS X 10.6. Apparently works for 10.7.find /usr/local -type f -name 'pure-*' | tar -czf pure-ftpd_backup.tgz -T -tar xzf pure-ftpd-1.0.32.tar.gzcd pure-ftpd-1.0.32./configure --with-everything --with-tls --with-certfile=/etc/pure-ftpd/ssl/pure-ftpd.pem --sysconfdir=/etc/pure-ftpd/ --with-sysquotas --mandir /usr/local/man --with-pam --with-virtualchroot --with-peruserlimits --with-ldap --with-rfc2640makesudo make install-stripcd ..rm -r pure-ftpd-1.0.32.tar.gz pure-ftpd-1.0.32
Seems to work alright, although I'll have to read up about changing ports and setting up sftp stuff